Friday, April 29, 2011

Catherine Middleton's Wedding Dress Online

Stardoll has released Kate Middleton's gown in the starplaza. The gorgeous Alexander McQueen gown has, of course, been ripped apart by the Stardoll staff, making you spend more Stardollars to be able to own the entire thing.
Strangely enough, only the gown's top is Superstar-only. The ensemble includes the top (12 SD), gown skirt (15 SD), bridal veil(5 SD), and the bouquet (6 SD). If you buy it, the outfit should cost you a total of 38 SD. 
I'm surprised that they didn't raise the price. I figured the Stardoll of today would jump at an opportunity to make us buy stardollars. I guess people can surprise you?
The dress itself is lovely, very pretty, simple yet elegant. 

Here's what it actually looks like:

And here's Stardoll's take on the dress of the century: 

Here's how it looks on my doll:

I wish they'd made the skirt a brighter white, but overall I think it's lovely, although I wouldn't save the gown onto my doll as my outfit. I don't like clothes that too clearly fall into one category, because you never know what you might be doing on Stardoll, and say you're invited to a party that you had no idea you were supposed to attend and you just show up in a wedding dress. That wouldn't look too good. 

Anyway, what are your thoughts on this online copy of Kate's wedding dress?


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

May Hotbuys ♥

After checking the Star Blog, I saw a poster for the May Hotbuys:

Don't the shoes remind you of the LE heels? 
Out of all of these, the white top, the multi-colored shorts and the hair decoration are my favorite. Contrarily to the limited Edition(which, in my opinion, was a waste of money), I find this a true Spring collection. Bright and lovely, instead of last year's neon leftovers stitched together and admitted to the public. 

What are your thoughts on May's Hotbuys?


Sales ! ! !

The Starplaza's 50% off sale is now on! You can find reduced-price items in:
-Bonjour Bizou
-Fallen Angel
-Pretty in Pink

Hopefully this sale will lead to a new release.

Have you bought anything?


Monday, April 25, 2011

Surprise, Surprise . . .

Spring 2011's Limited Edition's all sold out!
It's been about a week since the clothes hit the Stardoll scene, and they're already all gone. 

On the first page, we've got the darker-toned, edgier pieces of the collection.

On the second, there are (erm, were) the more fun, brightly-colored dresses and tutus.

No doubt some will be re-selling half of the store in their Bazaar at triple the price in a matter of weeks. That's one of the things that annoy about LE. Some people top up on stardollars, purchase a thousand, and then go out and buy the entire store simply so they can keep a couple of items and sell the rest at outrageous prices. 
I find it stupid. 
That might just be because I can't do that, as some have suggested.
Or it might be because I just don't see the point.
Why buy a ton of LE, parade it around for a couple of weeks, and then just sell most of it?
Why buy something if you don't want it?
I supposed it is a good way to get more stardollars, as someone's mentioned before, but, uh . . . why use your real money to buy fake money to buy things you don't need or want if all it's gonna do for you is give bakc the fake money you spent in the first place?
I will never understand how some peoples' minds work . . .


Daring Doily: Hot or Not?

Stardoll's most recent line of clothing is light, lacy, and just screams Spring! I'm talking about the Daring Doily outfits. 

This collection is smothered in laces and floral prints, promising many playful dresses, skirt-suits, and rompers to come.
But here's the question: Is Daring Doily sweet and pretty or just too much?

For those of you who aren't sure what I'm talking about, here are snapshots of some of their clothing:


In my opinion, the dresses are awkwardly shaped, the bags are strange, and honestly, the only articles I like so far from this collection are the gingham platforms, the scalloped-hem shorts, and the rose jumpsuit. 

Where do you stand on this? Are Daring Doily items light and lovely or lame and frumpy?


Welcome to Stardoll Exclusive

This post marks the beginning of Stardoll Exclusive, the blog that keep you in the loop.
Bear with me, I've only just begun to think about the possibility of having a blog, and I have a lot of growing to do as a writer. But hopefully, with more readers cheering me on, I'll do better ;)
